For Your Information – Water Quality IS Important
Steve Miesen, owner of Healthy H2O Systems, wants everyone to know and understand the potential dangers of both public and provate water supplies. Did you know heavy metal contaminants such as lead and mercury as well as chemicals such as chlorine and VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds) can be found in many of our water sources. One of the most effective methods to eliminate these contaminants is by installing a whole house filter by Healthy H2O Systems. Our filter can remove more than 600 potential health-affecting chemicals, which will allow for alkaline spring quality water you can drink as well as water for baths, showers and laundry.
Follow us as we provide important information about water quality and what you can do to protect you and your family.

Available Articles and Resources
A published article on “Water is one of lifes necessities, make sure it is the best quality“.
Information and resources regarding California Groundwater Quality.
Here are some additional tips facts and benefits about Oxidize IT and all the ways it can be used:

• Sanitize your fruit and vegetables and oxidize off the pesticides and herbicides by rinsing them in a bowl of ozonated water with the extra, general-purpose hose on the Oxidize IT unit.
• Ozone is 52% stronger than chlorine and kills micro-or-ganisms in dirty laundry 3,000 times faster than bleach.
• Great for those who suffer from allergies or sensitive skin. Oxidize IT will remove all of the toxic detergent and fabric softener chemicals from your laundry and clothing.
• Laundry will have no odor, no artificial fragrances – just a “clean smell”
• Ozone oxidizes the organic contaminants and eliminates smelly laundry caused by body odor and pets.
• Eliminates the “mildew odor” from your washing ma-chine and the black mold on your washing machine door seals. No more sour smell in clothes or machine.
• Uses same Ozone oxidation system many hospitals and hotels have used for more than 30 years.
• Clothes, towels and sheets will feel softer since there is no detergent residue left in fabrics and the material in clothing will last longer.
• Quicker drying time because of no residues in fabrics. Laundry will “feel dryer” when removing from washing machine.
• Environmentally Friendly – no more toxic detergent chemicals discharged to sewer. No more plastic deter-gent and fabric softener containers to dispose of.
• Average family can save over $600 per year assuming only 7 loads of laundry a week.
• A Proudly American-Made product with unbeatable full 5-year warranty with no maintenance required.
• Satisfaction guaranteed – 30-day trial with full refund if not totally amazed.
“I like to educate people about the water they use in their home,” Steve said. “I provide a complementary in-home analysis of your home’s water. Together we can come up with a plan to decide how your family can have the best water.”

Schedule a FREE Water Test
Simply fill out the form below to schedule a free water test, and our water expert will contact you within 24 hours.
There are numerous reasons as to why you would select Healthy H2O Systems. We have the experience and knowledge with water issues to take care of any situation. We pride ourselves on providing outstanding customer service from your initial tests, all the way through installation and post-installation support. Finally, we only allow the best licensed contractors to work on our job sites.
However, the main reason to choose us is the health benefits of drinking Healthy H2O Systems water that you and your family receive after getting one of our water filtration systems. Our water filter systems promote healthy skin, reducing cancer agents, and supporting the immune system and mental functions.
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Contact Info
2351 Sunset Bl
Ste 170-Unit 922
Rocklin, CA 95765
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